This blog is not directly about what it’s like to be a bereaved parent. However, it does provide insight into the type and extent of terms, concepts, and beliefs that have been called into question for me after the death of my son. Whether or not God performs miracles today likely seems a trivial concern to one that has not endured tragedy, but for me it shapes my whole world view.
I cringe now every time I hear someone use the word "miracle" because I just assume they are misusing the word, and most of the time they are. I’m not sure why we use this word so loosely. We throw it around so freely, claiming often times even a mundane everyday thing like finding a good parking spot is a miracle. Truthfully I never thought a lot about miracles until my son’s death. Then in the aftermath of tragedy, I started to wonder why didn’t God perform a miracle for me? Why didn’t He spare my son’s life? When I started to actually study miracles, I discovered a really important truth: God does not perform miracles today. I’m not saying God can’t perform miracles. He’s God. He can do anything He wants to do. I’m saying that based on a Biblically accurate view of what a miracle is, God doesn’t perform miracles today even though he did in the past. Here’s why.
Supposed “miracles” of today don’t measure up.
The word “miracle” is so commonplace that we don’t think about what it actually means. A simple check of the definition of the term “miracle” eliminates much of the confusion. Almost all definitions of the word include that a miracle occurs supernaturally. In addition to that, the majority of definitions include something along the lines of miracles breaking the laws of nature. Many supposed “miracles” do not do either of these things, much less both. Miracles in the Bible meet both parts of this definition. Maybe finding that lost cellphone was marvelous or wonderful, but it wasn’t miraculous.
Miracles served a purpose.
Miracles occurred for a reason. The vast majority of miracles performed in the Bible were to validate or authenticate a person as a spokesperson for God. Thus the reason they were also called “signs and wonders.” They were a sign indicating that the person performing the miracle really was a spokesperson for God as they claimed to be. Today we have the Holy Spirit and the Bible, meaning there is no need for miracles. God does not need to validate a spokesperson or message. We have the message.
Miracles did not occur at random.
The vast majority of miracles were performed by a person, foretold by a person, or at a minimum explained by a person. The person performing, foretelling, or explaining was a spokesperson for God. Supposed “miracles” of today have no explanation and occur at random.
Miracles of healing were complete and thorough.
Many of the miracles performed by Jesus and the apostles were miracles of healing. When they performed these miracles, the miracle was complete and thorough. Jesus re-attached a severed ear. There was no follow up doctor appointment needed to remove the stitches. He raised people from the dead. They did not exist in a comma or in a shell of a person they use to be. He healed limbs. The person did not need a cane to walk, rather their legs were fully functional.
I’d like to reiterate a statement I made in a earlier blog: Many people, many Christians will disagree with my statements. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion although what is actually true is not altered by the opinion of man. An opinion without prayerful research and study of the topic, while still an opinion, is quite frankly an irrelevant opinion. I know that sounds offensive. I really don’t mean it to be, it’s just that there are so many Christians that don’t base their opinion on the Bible. Their opinion is based on how they perceive their life experience or what sounds “churchy.” I can respectfully disagree with an opinion that is different from mine, so long as it’s actually based on the Bible and doesn't take scripture out of context.
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